This API is used to create pre-contract information request form. If customer is applicable to get a loan, Loan Agreement Notices API is invoked to create pre-contract request form.
How it Works
This part needs to be in body of the request.
"application_id": 367297,
Document_format: It states document format (must be sent as “PDF” or “HTML”)
If document format is no stated, PDF will be accepted as default.
"application_id": 367298,
Contract will be sent as PDF at the request above.
Sample Request
POST {API_HOST}/api/v1/loan-agreement-notices
X-IBM-client-id: {YOUR_CLEINT_ID}
X-IBM-client-secret: {YOUR_CLEINT_SECRET}
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Content-Type: application/json
Sample Response
"data": {
"printable_document": "fksjhdfjksdhfgsdjhgffjhsdg",
"document_id": 77155516