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Home > Api Products > HGS Transitions

HGS Transitions



This API retrieves the customer’s monthly HGS transitions by HGS product number or plate.

How it Works

Sample Request by Product Number

GET /api/isbank/hgs/v1/transitions?start_date=2019-07-01&end_date=2019-07-31&product_number=100001&offset=0&limit=100
X-IBM-client-id: {YOUR_CLEINT_ID} 
X-IBM-client-secret: {YOUR_CLEINT_SECRET} 
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Content-Type: application/json

Sample Request by Plate

GET /api/isbank/hgs/v1/transitions?start_date=2019-07-01&end_date=2019-07-31&plate=34ABC123&offset=0&limit=100
X-IBM-client-id: {YOUR_CLEINT_ID} 
X-IBM-client-secret: {YOUR_CLEINT_SECRET} 
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Content-Type: application/json​

Sample Response

Sample Response for Transitions

    "data": [
            "product_number": "100001",
            "plate": "34ABC123",
            "transaction_type": "Geçiş",
            "transaction_date": "2019-07-10T10:29:18.35",
            "entry_date": "2019-07-08T12:59:29",
            "entry_place": "AVCILAR",
            "exit_date": "2019-07-08T13:01:45",
            "exit_place": "ESENYURT",
            "transaction_amount": 4.25,
            "balance": 113.65,
            "nickname": "",
            "balance_date": "2019-07-10T10:52:48.990"