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Home > Api Products > Decisions



This API is used to get result of loan application.

​How it Works


This part needs to be in body of the request.

  "account_id": "42869084", 
  "overdraft_protection": true, 
  "email_address": "email@example.com", 
  "requested_term": 4, 
  "requested_amount": 10000, 
  "monthly_average_income": 99919, 
  "current_job_start_date": "2012-07-01", 
  "number_of_dependents": 1, 
  "type_of_residence": "1", 
  "first_payment_date": "2017-7-1", 
  "application_id": "{application_id}", 
  "products" : [ 
      "name" : "Sırt Çantası", 
      "quantity" : 10 
      "name" : "Köpek Maması 15 Kg", 
      "quantity" : 8 
account_id: Selected customer account. (must be sent in string format) 
overdraft_protection: overdraft account information of selected account. (Must be sent in Boolean type) 
email_address: Customer’s e-mail address (must be sent in “example@example.com” format.) 
requested_term: Number of installments (must be sent in integer format) 
requested_amount: Total loan amount 
montly_average_income: Customer’s monthly average income. 
current_job_start_date: Customer’s job start date (must be sent in "YYYY-MM-DD" format.) 
number_of_dependents: Number of people that the customer is obliged to look after. (must be sent in integer format) 
type_of_residence: Information of tenant or landlord. (must be sent in integer format) 
first_payment_date: The first payment date. (must be sent in "YYYY-MM-DD" format.)

Sample Request

POST {API_HOST}/api/v1/decisions/ 

X-IBM-client-id: {YOUR_CLEINT_ID} 
X-IBM-client-secret: {YOUR_CLEINT_SECRET} 
Authorization: Bearer {access_token} 
Content-Type: application/json​

​Sample Request

POST {API_HOST}/api/v1/decisions/ 

X-IBM-client-id: {YOUR_CLEINT_ID} 
X-IBM-client-secret: {YOUR_CLEINT_SECRET} 
Authorization: Bearer {access_token} 
Content-Type: application/json

Sample Response
    "data": {
        "result": true